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Breed Standard

Breed standard

Due to the breeds intended purpose and natural proclivity to protect it should be judge at a distance. Although many specimens are approachable and sociable, it is not considered a fault not to be so.

Overall Appearance

Conforming to breed type
1) Should look like a Donovan Pinscher from across the ring
2) A sturdy three dimensional. Giving the impression of power & strength
3) A square dog with a sturdy heavy boned front, & a light springy back end

1) Should be obedient, tractable, alert, reliable, undemanding with plenty of stamina. Adult dogs should be a lean exercised animal showing a hint of rib & back bone (without hipbones showing) with firm defined muscles with a clean glossy coat & trimmed nails. Presentation of dogs in puppy class should be of a well nourished puppy, showing no ribs or hips. Coat should be glossy with short, trimmed nails.
2) A lively dog of clear temperament, general aggressiveness is within breed type. OVER AGGRESSIVENESS prevents the judge from accurately viewing the animal. All faults should be judged in accordance with the negative affect on working capacity.

A) Confident and alert, interested in its handler
B) Interested in things around them, in control of their space, not fearful of anything in their surroundings.

Head & Neck
   1. Well proportioned to the body & well balanced in relationship to the rest of the body
   2. Wedged shaped when viewed from top & side
   1. Should be well muscled
   2. Should be long in length
   1. Powerful, scissor bite (when mouth is shut, the incisors of the upper jaw closely overlapping the incisors of the lower jaw
   1. almond shaped deep set
   1. Should be a tall military crop

Back End
   1. Broad & long enough to square the dog. Too short can interfere with the dogs flexibility, too long causes the dog to carry to much weight and affect a dogs agility and quickness.
   1. Long & sloping with adequate width, this can be judge by tail set which should be low.
Hind Quarters
   1. Powerful well muscled with good bone, forming a normal angle at the stifle joint; thus the thigh is not out of the perpendicular. In the hock a moderate angle is desired so that the hock is perpendicularly below the ischium. Which contributes to the natural springiness that is desired in the rear assembly.
   2. Movement, light of foot, springy and not far reaching, a quick dog able to change direction effectively, yet with high endurance

Front End
   1.Deep & elliptical with a prominent breastbone or prosternum. From the side, the bottom of the ribcage should at least be even with the elbow.
   2. Well sprung at the top, tapering to the bottom, extending back to the loin.
   1.Wider than the ribcage, well laid back broad and flat allowing for adequate muscular attachment for a heavy and sturdy front end
   1. Small & tight set high on the pasterns.
   2. Pads thick and well built up

Tail and Coat
    1.Skin thick and loose around the neck and chest, tight fitting elsewhere, showing vertical folds around the neck and chest even in a well exercised animal.
   2. Short and bristled, the gloss showing the overall health of the animal.
   3.Colors include but are not limited to; red, fawn, solid or with black masks, any shade of brindle or black the only fault is those colors or color patterns known to be genetically linked to health problems.
   1. Thick at base and docked

FAULTS: Too much mastiff type, patch or irregular markings lack of appropriate crop ear or dock tail
MAJOR FAULTS: Lack of working temperament lack of breed type, lack of agility or power
DISQUALIFICATIONS: Flighty or fearful disposition, shyness, insecure demeanor or other temperament defect which would prevent effective working

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